Sale By Owner Real Estate Representation
If you are concerned about the bottom line and are willing to take on projects, you may be the type of person who prefers to sell real estate by yourself rather than hiring a broker. By initiating a for sale by owner (FSBO) transaction, you stand to save thousands of dollars in broker fees. However, you do not want to risk losing money by making a mistake.
Our Attorneys Can Help
Retaining your own legal counsel in a real estate transaction can prevent you from costly mistakes and ensure you get everything you think you are getting from the transaction. We serve clients in Aloha, Beaverton, Hillsboro, NW Portland, Banks, Forest Grove and all communities throughout Washington County, Oregon.
There are several ways that the real estate lawyers at Schmidt & Yee, P.C., in Aloha can help during the course of a for-sale-by-owner (FSBO) transaction:
- Draft a legally binding purchase and sale agreement
- Review loan documents or prepare Seller carry documents
- Protect you from liability
- Ensure that you are compliant with Oregon law with respect to disclosures
- Ensure the buyer receives clear title to the property
- Review the closing documents of the sale
Think of having a lawyer on your side as an insurance policy against any setbacks or surprises that may happen during the sale.
Complete Real Estate Law Representation
We understand the implications of a legally binding contract to purchase or sell a home. Whatever side of the transaction you are on, our firm provides valuable guidance as well as the assurance that all steps in your transaction are executed correctly.
Find Out More
Make sure there are no unfortunate surprises with your FSBO transaction. Learn more about the process by calling Schmidt & Yee, P.C., at 503-642-7641 today. You can also schedule an initial consultation with a lawyer by contacting us online.